Called: Part 3 (Called to Bear Fall Defying Fruit)

Part 3: “Called to Bear Fall Defying Fruit” 
John 2:13-22
Whether the work we do is paid or unpaid, every type of vocation includes some element of struggle, conflict, and stress. That doesn’t mean work is a bad thing (in fact God create us to have work to do), but our labor has been touched by the Fall. This week, in part 3 of our “Called” series, we consider how sin distorts our callings, and yet how the work we do can push back on the brokenness in our world.

Called: Part 2 (Called to Serve Your Calling)

Called (Sermon Series in John) 
John 2: 1-11
As 2019 is under way, we continue our new series in John titled: Called. Our callings are more than just jobs or a means to a paycheck, but the intersection of our God-given abilities and positions, in which to apply them. Today we consider how doing our callings “as unto the Lord” can bless people, as well as, bless our professions.
Pastor Steve Grosz

Called: Part 1 (Called to Network)

Called (Sermon Series in John) 
John 1: 35-51
As 2019 kicks off we begin a new series in John titled: Called.  In John chapter 1, Jesus calls his first disciples to follow Him into new vocations. Jesus is still calling people to serve Him in and through meaningful work, and it is through our God-given vocations that we become connected to others. Today we consider what role our networking can have in following Christ well.
Pastor Steve Grosz

Joy To The World : Part 4

Let Heaven and Nature Sing

This month we are using lines from the Hymn “Joy To the World” as an outline for our Advent sermon series. The fourth line of the famous song states “Let heaven and nature sing”, with the idea being that the King of kings coming to earth–on a mission of salvation–is certainly something worth singing about!

Today we consider what it means for followers of Christ to “sing” this Joy to the World in our regular, everyday lives.

Pastor Steve Grosz

Joy To The World : Part 3

John 1:1-18

This month we are using lines from the Hymn “Joy To the World” as an outline to begin our Advent sermon series. The third line of the famous song states “Let every heart prepare him room”.

The idea that we celebrate at Christmas is already amazing–i.e. that Christ came to earth to live among us. During part 3 of the series we will go a step deeper to consider His willingness to come not only onto the planet, but also into our hearts.

Pastor Steve Grosz

Joy to the World Part 2

John 1:1-12

This month we will using lines from the Hymn “Joy To the World” as an outline to begin our new Advent sermon series.The second line of the famous song states “Let earth receive her king”.

The world has known many kings, presidents, and emperors since time began, but the Son of God has a claim to rule unlike any other. Our second sermon in the advent series, explores what makes Jesus truly a King of kings!

Pastor Steve Grosz

Joy to the World Part 1

John 1:1-8

This month we will use lines from the Hymn “Joy to the World” as an outline to begin our new Advent sermon series. The first line of the famous song states “Joy to the world! The Lord is come”. God the Son-coming to earth-was the best possible invasion, and truly means joy to the world. How do we enjoy Christ’s coming fully, and faithfully bear that joy to a world in need of good news?

Pastor Steve Grosz

Living and Working in the World As An Ambassador of the Cross

2 Corinthians 5:20

As believers in Jesus Christ, how should we conduct ourselves in the face of those who do not know Christ and may have no desire to even speak about eternal things? Is there a way for us to effectively shine the light of Jesus to a lost and dying world? Let’s look into the scriptures for the principles and talk practical ways to be a light for Christ.

Ken Reeder